There is an old, leaf-covered road that passes through the Kingfisher Crossing property: the Old Dillon Road. It used to be the only way to get from Nobel to Dillon. Now traffic flows on a new paved road just about half a kilometer to the North. The new Dillon Road is much wider and more comfortable to drive on, but it misses out on some beautiful views. Most locals don’t even know that there is this secluded lake just South of the Old Dillon Road; they don’t know about Kingfisher Crossing; and they don’t know about the rest that can be found here. This is quite similar to the experience of the people of Israel hundreds of years ago. They were at a decisive point in their national history. They were at a fork in the road. They were at a crossing, and the prophet Jeremiah made them consider their options. They could choose the well-traveled, easily accessible path of their society, or they could look for the almost forgotten, overgrown countercultural path of God. In Jeremiah 6:16 God speaks to His people with these words (from The Voice Translation):
“Stand at the crossing, and consider the ancient path, for it is good and it leads to Me. Walk on this path, and you will find rest for your souls. But they have said, “We will not walk upon this road.” For Israel the choice was between following God, or pursuing their own selfish and idolatrous ways. They chose their own way and ended up in the Babylonian captivity. Kingfisher Crossing was named very deliberately to reflect the reality of standing at a crossing and making a choice. We are called to consider the ancient path. And the further back in time we go in our consideration, exploring the cause and effect relationship over decades, centuries and millenniums, we will come to the conclusion that there has to be an uncaused cause that started everything. Considering the ancient path is good and leads to God, the Ancient of Days, the One who always was and ever will be, the One who was there from the very beginning and who, in Jesus Christ, entered into our humanity, not only to show us the path, but to become the way, the journey, the destination. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Way. That’s the way we need to choose. Every day. Every moment. For every situation of our lives. That’s where we will find rest for our souls. Nowhere else! So stand at the crossroad, consider the ancient path and then walk on it. See the options; choose the God-option; and then take one deliberate step after another in the God-direction. That’s where rest is found: not a passive, lethargic and immobile inertia, but an active, motivated and dynamic mobility. It’s called walking with God, and there is nothing more restful for the soul than walking with God. So take a hike and enjoy walking with Him!
AuthorsWe are a pastoral couple named Stefan & Heidi König. We have many years of experience in various ministries, and are thankful that God has given us this property to use as a way to bless others who need a place to relax and reconnect with Him. Kingfisher Spiritual Direction
Direct your heart to Jesus and restore your soul. If you need to hear from God, to grow deeper with Him, consider spiritual direction. An ancient discipline of soul care, Heidi is trained to prayerfully lead you in this practice. Archives
January 2018